International Conference on Sudan Humanitarian Crisis Preamble:
The humanitarian situation in Sudan has worsened since the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces went to war on April 15, 2023. Military and political factors have hampered local and international aid organizations’ relief efforts. Local grassroots efforts like Emergency Rooms are bearing the biggest burden in tackling the crisis but they confront logistical, financial, and capacity constraints. Widespread dispute, long distances, procedural issues, and insecurity add to the complexity of the problem.
Khartoum residents fled to other Sudanese states and neighboring countries, including Egypt, Chad, Ethiopia, and South Sudan. However, the lack of resources or difficulties mobilizing elderly family members kept many stranded in the fighting zones. Hundreds of thousands of Darfur refugees are fleeing to Chad. Women and girls face sexual assault and a lack of reproductive health care that adds to their suffering. Ethnic violence and mass atrocities have been on the rise. In regions without armed conflict, a dysfunctional government, limited access to basic resources, and a failed agricultural season have caused substantial human misery. Criminal activity, theft, and rocket-shooting housing costs, among other factors, increased the suffering of the displaced population.
The current financial need for humanitarian aid in Sudan is around $2.6 billion, but the current allocation stands at $658 million, leading to a substantial deficit of about 75%. This budget deficit is a significant concern in several sectors, including nutrition, health, refugee protection, food security, shelter, and clean water and sanitation.

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